OG101Serum is sold under license and formulated to produce OG102 Organic Farmers Concentrate.
OG-101 SeaPlex Organic Farmers Serum

OG-102 SeaPlex Organic Farmers Concentrate
The Program (consisting of Steps 1-3) Organic Growers SeaPlex is formulated from freshly harvested sea plants and Humic Acid. Prudent use of SeaPlex liquid serum supplements a well-balanced crop nutrition program. Increased productivity is the result of proper utilization of the nutrients provided. SeaPlex is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and fertilizers. Some pH adjustments may be required with acidic mixtures. Use of glycol surfactants is not recommended.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE. SeaPlex is water soluble and suitable for use in conventional liquid foliar and irrigation water applications. For best results, SeaPlex should be applied in a series of steps but you can start using the SeaPlex Program at any growing stage. Ask your dealer for a SeaPlex Application Chart for specific plant variety applications depending on the plant’s growing stage.
Foliar Applications: Fill spray tank halfway with water. Begin agitating and gradually add recommended volume of SeaPlex with remainder of water and spray solution. Mix thoroughly before spraying. Dilution rates will be determined by the nature of the crop, the equipment used and other compounds mixed with this product. Higher dilution rates are recommended for best crop coverage. Product can be applied in 500-5000 liter water/hectare for ground sprayers or 100-200 liters water/hectare for low-volume ground sprayers or aerial applications. The foliar spray should be applied as a fine mist, with low-fluid velocity until the foliage is wet. For best results, apply in early morning or late evening. Do not spray just before or after rainfall or sprinkle irrigation.
NAP/ORGANIC GROWERS: OMRI LISTED NAME: SeaPlex Organic Farmers Serum, previously known as SKAF-S Organic Supercharge Serum Base (nam-5103) was sold in non-domestic markets for over twenty years.
OG-103 SeaSpray Serum with Humic Acid
Derived from all-natural fish solubles, SeaSpray with Humic Acid is Organic Growers American Indian recipe for the most traditional of all bio-stimulants. The traditional practice of burying a decomposing fish in the hole of a new planting has been made much easier with our pre-blended fish-based product. SeaSpray with Humic Acid is high in Bio-Stimulent, as well as other essential plant nutrients.
Developed for use as a foliar feed, SeaSpray with Humic Acid is a plant food that can be applied to the soil or can be used as a starter plant food with seeds or transplants.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE. May be applied by ground or by air. A wetting agent or spreader should be used when applying SeaSpray with Humic Acid. Follow the same Directions for Use as OG-101 SeaPlex Serum.
Example dilutions below, see OG-MIXING CHART for more:
Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams: 3 liters per hectare when plants are 4-6 inches high; two additional applications at 3-4 week intervals.
All mixed vegetables: 2-3 liters per hectare.
Melons: 2-3 liters per hectare.
Citrus: 3-4 liters per hectare.
Cotton: 1-2 liters per hectare after true leaves appear; 2-3 liters per hectare as first square appears; two additional applications at two week intervals.
Tomatoes and peppers: 2-3 liters per hectare at bud stage prior to bloom; 2-3 liters per hectare 10-14 days throughout growing season.
Beans: 2-3 liters per hectare at bud stage prior to bloom. Repeat in two weeks. Apply an additional application of 2-3 liters per hectare as pods begin to fill.
Rice: 2-3 liters per hectare at boot stage and 1-2 weeks prior to bloom.
Repeat two weeks after bloom. CAUTION: Do not apply at time of bloom.

OG-501 Agri-Wet 2000
For maximum dispersal and leaf adherence. Irrigation Water Applications: Apply SeaPlex in furrow-run irrigation water by dipping the solution into the irrigation water. Each nozzle should be calibrated to drip at a constant rate in the irrigation water. Seed Treatment: To apply as a seed treatment prior to planting, apply liquid SeaPlex Serum at the rate of 8 milliliters per 10 liters of water or apply directly to the seed bed at 4 milliliters per 10 liters of water. Rooting/Transplant Solution: For use as a rooting medium, use liquid SeaPlex Serum at the rate of 4 milliliters per 10 liters of water. For use at the time of transplanting, dip roots in 8 milliliters per 10 liters of water solution. Ask your dealer for an application chart. HS 3101.00.0000.
OG-104 Liquid Humic Acid
Organic Growers Liquid Humic Acid, as a serum, is formulated to supplement the humic acid that organic matter releases naturally. Humic acid provides these benefits: 1) improves soil physical properties; 2) helps roots to retain exchangeable plant nutrients; 3) improves moisture conditions; 4) affects the release of plant nutrients through slow decomposition by organisms, especially nitrogen release; 5) improves trace element nutrition through chelation; 6) has a natural growth-promoting effect; and 7) has a high base exchange capacity–an important basis for soil fertility. The humic acids contained in Organic Growers Liquid Humic Acid are rich in nutrients. This complex is very active and is easily absorbed by roots or foliage. With a high carbon content, Liquid Humic Acid stimulates beneficial soil microbes. Continued use improves the structure and organic content of the soil health.
By using Liquid Humic Acid, you can expect higher yields from all of your crops due to increased bio-stimulant intake. A larger, healthier root system will also increase drought tolerance. Decreased ammonia volatilization is another major benefit. Improved seed germination and stand can decrease your cost at planting time. Liquid Humic Acid stimulates beneficial soil bacteria or microorganisms, including rhizobium, and encourages chelation which enhances availability of nutrients.
Many of the worlds soils suffer from a buildup of too much Nitrogen as a result of years of chemical fertilization, which may stunt the growth of both ornamental plants and crops. Our program and products will rejuvenate the MICRO-FLORA needed for healthy productive soil.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Liquid Humic Acid should be applied to the soil before planting, if possible, and can be worked into the top one or two inches of soil. Do not plow down into the soil. It can also be applied to the soil after planting and cultivated in, or allowed to lie on top for the rain to help absorb it into the soil. Foliar spraying can be used at any stage to stimulate plant growth. Liquid Humic Acid can be applied with most other farm solutions, but compatibility should always be checked. Liquid Humic Acid has a 95% solubility with most natural compounds, is non-toxic and has no detrimental effects to soil microbes. All contents are derived from mineral sources.
CAUTION: Liquid Humic Acid is very active, do not overuse. If you apply with herbicides, you should cut the herbicide amount by 1/3 to 1/2. If using with liquid fertilizers, cut the fertilizer amount by 1/3. Use only 1 liter of Liquid Humic Acid per hectare in a row of seed. HS 3101.00.0000

OG-601 H20 Root Soil Amendment
Organic Growers H2O Root is the perfect water and nutrient retention soil amendment for use in any type of planting or transplanting, in potting soils or as a top dressing. H2O Root (variety: clinoptilolite) differs from other commercially available products. H2O Root is an aluminum silicate high in potassium-calcium rather than sodium. It also is much more abrasion-resistant and durable than other products. H2O Root has good ammonia and base metal absorption properties and can be recharged and reused. H2O Root does not release the harmful sodium that other products might.
H2O Root improves the NPK-value holding power of soils by increasing their bulk ion-exchange capacities and by promoting the slow release of ammonium ions, in addition to iron, copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt from H2O Root.
Characteristics include inert aeration of soils to reduce soil compaction. Soil blended with H2O Root is healthier and can better utilize your irrigation resources by water conservation. Added vitality means that stress and plant diseases are reduced. H2O Root is 100% natural.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE. A recommended starting ratio is 7 metric tonnes per hectare, which is .5% of 10cm of topsoil. H2O Root is best used in soils that are sandy, not high in clay content. Granules are 14 x 40 mesh.
HS 2530.90.90.00
OG-602 H20 Root Plus Soil Amendment
Organic Growers H2O Root Plus features the same qualities of H2O Root, with the addition of micro-encapsulated humic acid and natural hormonal bio-stimulants which are then processed for time-released distribution.
HS 3101.00.0000