SEAPLEX™ is derived from marine plants and Humic acid harvested from the nutrient. Consistent use of SEAPLEX™ extract supplements a well-balanced crop nutrition program. Use SEAPLEX™ to increase desirable yield, improve overall plant nutritional health, improve root growth and development, improve plant vigor, and maximize crop potential during periods of stresses. To achieve the desired results, the levels of major and minor nutrients must be adequate to support the increase in production. The following rates and timings of application are recommended for maximum efficacy.
Compatibility:SEAPLEX™ is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and fertilizers. Some pH adjustments may be required with acidic mixtures. Add surfactants after the product has completely dissolved in the tank solution. When mixing with calcium products, thoroughly mix SEAPLEX™ with the water in the tank prior to adding the calcium product. If interaction of chemicals is unknown, a “jar” compatibility test is recommended.
Storage and Handling:This product contains a preservative but should be stored away from intense sunlight and heat. Avoid spillage as product is very slippery and may create a hazard.
Directions for Use: SEAPLEX™ fully dissolves in water and is suitable for use in liquid foliar, soil applied, and irrigation water applications. Crop recommendations are provided on the following pages.
Foliar Applications: Fill half the spray tank with water, begin agitating and gradually add recommended amount of SEAPLEX™ with remainder of water and spray solution. Use enough water for good spray coverage. The foliar spray should be applied as a fine mist, with low fluid velocity until the foliage is wet. Do not foliar-apply during times of moisture or heat stress. For best results apply during the cool part of the day or when temperatures are below 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not spray just before or after rainfall or sprinkler irrigation. Use a surfactant for maximum dispersal and leaf adherence.
Soil applications: Soil applied treatments can be made by mixing with soil-applied fertility, directed sprays to the soil, sidedress treatments, applications through the irrigation systems or other methods which effectively apply SEAPLEX™ to the soil. When making irrigation treatments dilute 1 part SEAPLEX™ with at least 5 parts water before adding to the supply tank. Continuous agitation of the supply tank is recommended. SEAPLEX™ can be applied through drip, microject, sprinkle, overhead, furrow, flood and other types of irrigation at the suggested rates. For micro sprinkler, solid set or drip irrigation, apply after the system is fully pressurized, inject finished solution for at least one hour and follow with clean water for at least two hours. Avoid heavy irrigations immediately following application.
Rooting/Transplant Solution: To encourage root growth of new transplants, treat roots with a solution of SEAPLEX™ at the rate of 40 to 100 milliliters per 10 liters of water prior to transplanting.
Late Season and Post-Harvest Applications:SEAPLEX™is an excellent way to stimulate root growth and prepare perennial crops for next season’s early growth. Apply to the soil or foliar using above methods.